Monday, December 5, 2016


“Growing old is no cause for hysteria;
 the rose bush does not scream when petals begin to fall.”

            Ernesto and Francisca were deeply in love with each other. They professed their so – called ‘undying love’ starting seven years before they got married. They spent seven long years knowing each other’s likes and dislikes. They saw nothing that would hinder them to get hitched.

            They were deeply in love that a mere sight of one’s roof of the house was enough to be happy. At that time, Ernesto and Francisca had their respective jobs. They were not lucrative. But, they loved their jobs. They lived in a very simple life style.

            While their combined incomes were not enough to buy all their needs, the prices of prime commodities on the hand continued to rise. But, the prices were not yet prohibitive compared to prices of today. To them, what was important was that they loved each other. They saved on housing as they were renting a house. They lived with their parents. A noted writer by the name of Dr. William Arthur Ward said:

“ A house is built with walls and beams;
a home is built with love and dreams.”

            They were full of love. They were full of dreams. They joked that loving and dreaming are for free. They did not cost them any money. But, love could not live with love and dreams alone. While their love was ecstatic, they forgot what the all- time popular writer William Shakespeare said in his underlying novel, merchant of Vanice. He said that:

“Love is blind and lovers cannot see;
their pretty follies that themselves commit.”

            After so many years of married life, they had four children. The once prosperous community was later deeply populated. The population as four or five times its original number. While the government had birth control and family planning programs the Catholic Church had one. They believed that birth control was a sin and immoral as it kills unborn child. They clergy obey the church teaching of “GO and multiply” (Later study says that it did not mean pro-creation, but “Go and multiply” meant converting pagans to Christianity. Multiply the number of convertion.
            There were less jobs. Many were jobless and prices of prime commodities soared like its population. There were increase in salary but it was insignificant compared to the purchasing power oft the peso.

Meanwhile, years went by and the couple had gray hairs. Ernesto was retired from his job while Francisca has still a couple of years left. They had less and less money compared to the spiraling prices of prime commodities. Their seven –year’s study one’s attitudes came to naught. Francisca’s attitude changed. She was no longer lovable. Her children tagged her silently as the monster mother. Her attitude toward Ernesto also changed. She believed that the later was already starting to be senile and useless. She would easily raise her voice as if Ernesto was her student. William Shakespeare once said:

“Speak low if you speak love.”

            She would force what she wanted while his ideas were that an old man going senile. She would talk in front of her children to show how smart she was. Ernesto, on the other hand admitted that he was already old but not yet senile. In age, there is no going down but up. Their married life was in danger. Philosopher and writer Robert Louise Stevension stated that:

“Marriage is terrifying, but, so cold and forlorn old age.”

            They were not poor. Yet, they were not also rich. Only that sometimes, they had no money. Their income was no match to the global rise of prices of prime commodities. Ernesto learned a better lesson. A person can change attitude if his or her morale is low and weak. The want for money can change one’s attitude. They love money, not money itself was the roof of evil. A thinker said:

“When poverty (want of money) comes at the door:
Love creeps out at the window.”

            In his younger age, Ernesto learned lessons on ages. He learned that age can change one’s attitude; from his study, he learned that when a man or a woman turns twenty years old and over. It is time for beginning. By this time, he/ she is a fresh college graduate and had newly landed on a job. Most people also get married and become parents.

            He learned from school that when a man or a woman turns thirty or over, he or she becomes demanding as it is time for building a career. At this age, a man or a woman realize how much is to be done. He or she felt that their children or grandchildren, who themselves turn thirty years old or over asks for, advise less and less at time that he or she wanted to give it more and more.

            He learned that if a man or a woman turns forty years of age or over, he / she usually finds out that he / she should solidify his career. He / she now is middle-aged.

            He also learned that id a man or a woman turn fifty years of age or over, he find out that interesting things changed, in his/her body and attitudes begin to happen. These changes are different from the changes during adolescents. He / She is nearing retirement.

            He learned that if a man or a woman turns sixty years or over, his/her career wind down, but not yet senile. Some old men or women at this age find their mind still sharp.

            This is the travail of Ernesto. He thinks that his wife considers him as senile. He is not. His travail has connection with his wife winding down.


June 23, 2008

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